Christmas is fast approaching.  The shops have already started putting chocolates, presents and decorations on the shelves and ecommerce businesses need to be getting ready for the increase in seasonal shoppers. As online sales increase, ecommerce companies are hoping Christmas 2015 will be profitable, but success only comes with sensible ecommerce management, not just luck. We have a few tips that we hope will result in the best Christmas sales and to help you smash your goals.

  1. Tidy up your website; make sure everything is running smoothly, your pages load quickly and double check that it is optimised for mobile devices. You must have responsive design and responsive email or you’ll find your customers look elsewhere. Furthermore, non-responsive sites are penalised by Google. Find out if your website is mobile friendly here.
  2. Make it easier for your customers to check out. It needs to be secure, easy to understand and brief. Guest checkouts are one way of speeding up things at the checkout. Your response to order times must also be speedy, Orbis TaskCentre integration will ensure customers and your employees are kept informed of progress without eating into your time.
  3. Customers hate to pay for delivery, so why not offer free shipping to encourage sales and avoid shopping cart abandonment.  Encourage shoppers to buy more in order to qualify for free shipping, or offer a slower delivery time in return for the free delivery.  Orbis TaskCentre integration will ensure the couriers are kept informed.
  4. Start your Christmas content marketing campaign and start producing content that will work to attract and convert customers. Content marketing helps to give your ecommerce website a boost in the search engines, making sure you get more clicks from people who are likely to want to buy from you.
  5. Personalise the shopping experience to the user based on their behaviour. Data collected from customers can be used to target your promotions and improve your email marketing. Ask us about data integration for your website.

Contact us if you’re interested in streamlining your ecommerce website in time for Christmas.